Lucretia Mullberry opined on page 72 of her work, "time is what you make of it ... so make sure to make lots of crapts." Have I been doing this? Yes and no. I have begun many projects, worked on some that have been gestating for years and completed a few small stitching pieces. I can also reveal I've had many brainstorms, though the majority I have not followed through on (yet) while others I just don't have the drawing capabilites to achieve (must learn to draw!).
Back in December I posted about my Christmas Tree a day project. Well, I actually did finish all my trees for my Christmas Tree Quilt but I just never posted about them. From what I remember, (my memory like my time management skills are not top notch) I read the directions for the next steps in completing the quilt, felt hopelessly lost and I took all of the finished blocks and shoved them in a bag, shoved the bag in a plastic container and shoved the plastic container under my bed where it still sits. Christmas is still six months away. Plenty of time! Yeah, right.
For now, I'm going to get back in the blogging rhythm by posting about my other completed blocks. So here is Christmas Tree #6:
Drawing from my rather smalll memory bank, I recall not being too delighted in the background yellow fabric. It seems too orangey. I did however, love what I did in making the ornaments.
The little peppermints were the perfect size to cut out and stick on the tree. I couldn't have been more pleased with them. It's one of those satisfying arty moments that real craptors so seldom experience. So I'm taking a few moments to relive the pleasure. Ahhh. So nice.
Here are the six completed trees together:
Not bad, looks okay, right? But, of course, no Royal Society members work would be complete with out a crapting moment. Here is mine.
A gorgeous piece of fabric that I cut completely wrong (the top is a good 1/2 inch shorter than the bottom) and could not use for the quilt. This is why I ended up using that rather orange fabric above that I'm not too fond of - oh well, life goes on.
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