Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Crapter Lite Turns Into Pure Crapt! Quelle Surprise!

Now, not to say this isn't a redeamable work of crapt, but Crapter Project #2, which I referred to earlier as Crapt-Lite has reached the next level - pure crapt. That means my staus as a Royal Crapter is intact and secure. Yeah.

As you can see by Exhibit #1 (below) when I sewed an orange border around the needlebook that is was still relatively speaking crapt-lite:

Kind of cute, no? Well, then I attached yellow felt by sewing down the middle. Disaster.

How postitively ugly is that?! Then to add to my well honed crapting skills, check this out:

Really?! Could you manage to cut a straight line? Could you manage to sew down the actual center?! Well, c'est la vie - I can do nothing for this needle book now, for I am off to Paris tomorrow!

I did receive some things in the mail today:

The black and more pink of the Rosemarie Lavin Rhapsody fabrics and:

Definitely not crapt! Vicky Clayton's Hand-Dyed Fibers Linen of the Month. I love Vicky's linens! And I love her silk fibers, so as usual I had to get a detritus bag, which is a mish-mash of her choosing. These, as usual, are cool and beautiful:
I can turn those beauties into crapt very easily! Actually, my cross stitching is not crapt, but only because I pick nice charts to stitch and quelle surprise I'm pretty good at counting.

See you after Paris, where I hope to have some lovely things to show off!

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